Saturday, 29 August 2009



Congratulations! Your e-mail ID was among the selected lucky winners of
£1,000.000.00 GBP in our BRITISH TOBACCO PROMO.Contact our Office to
file your claims: SMITH WHITE


with your ticket number CN6327932 and fill the datas below to enable
claim your winning prize.

1. Full names:
2. Address:
3. Phone/Fax No:
4. Occupation:
5. Sex:
6. Age:
7. Country:
8. Country of resident:
9. Winning/Ticket number:

Congratulation once again. We await you to claim your prize.

Yours Faithfully

Friday, 28 August 2009

Your Chitika Revenue Guide: Part 3

Dear nemdil

This newsletter will complete our 3-part mini series featuring the very best tips to maximize your Chitika ad revenue.  Enjoy!

3-Part Mini Series

Today - Part 3

Chitika Inc.


Tip #5

Chitika [hearts] SEO.

Search engine traffic is extremely targeted, and advertisers really like this.  People coming to your site from search engines are most often the people who click on ads.  And as you already know, our Premium ads will only show to this type of traffic.  

Earlier this year, we did an analysis on the Top 50 high-earning Chitika publishers, to help figure out which factors are the MOST important and narrowed down the top 4 factors that they all had in common.  Read more about this analysis here.

Tip #6

WordPress Plugin.

If you are running WordPress, take advantage of this easy ad setup.  You will be happy you did.  Download the plugin here.

Plugin Perks:

  • Ad sizes -there are more than 20 sizes to choose from
  • Select colors  -customize links, text and background
  • Position -above or below your content
  • Channels -now that we know how important those are

Helpful Links:
Full list of customization edits for the WordPress Plugin.

Raise your hand if you like supplemental income!  Earn 10% of your referrals earnings by promoting your referral link and/or buttons.  Just Login and click on "Referral Programs".

LOGIN now to update your Chitika ad unit(s)

Your Username Is:


Have something to say?
We appreciate all of your comments, feedback and ideas.
Please tell us.

"I can't see my Chitika Premium ads". 
The way our ads work may seem complicated, but it's actually a really simple, effective concept. 
“I can’t see my Chitika Premium ads!”

- The Chitika Optimization Experts

Thursday, 27 August 2009

A guide to increasing your Chitika earnings, Part 2

Dear nemdil

This is part two of our 3-part mini series featuring the very best tips to maximize your Chitika ad revenue.

Today, we will be analyzing best possible placements, and how channels can rock your reports.

3-Part Mini Series

Today - Part 2

Chitika Inc.

Tip #3

Placement Importance.

The placement of your ads is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) factors in your ad performance. You can customize your ad perfectly, but if it is in a spot where nobody is seeing it, then you won't get any clicks on it.

MEGA-Unit best placement:

  • Below your articles- directly below (above any horizontal lines or links). Lines or page breaks at the end of an article scream 'Stop reading!”; you don't want your Chitika ad below this. This alone will significantly help the CTR of your Mega unit.
Here is a great example of how Chitika publisher Dave Taylor placed the Mega Unit ABOVE a horizontal rule for maximum performance.

Other General Placement Tips:

  • On your top search pages. This is probably the most important.  Premium ads only display to your search traffic- so this is a given. Even though this seems simple, it's often overlooked.
  • Within your text/content. They typically perform better in the middle of your pages than on the side-bars of your pages. Where your readers' eyes go, the clicks will follow.

Remember – since your Chitika |Premium ads only display to your search engine traffic, your regular readers won’t even see them (less ads keeps your regular readers happy). 

Helpful Links:
Chitika Premium Heat Map

Tip #4


Simply put, channels are what you use to track the performance of your ad units separately. This is important so that you know which ads in which sizes and placements do better than others.

Once you figure out which ads perform the best, it's smooth sailing from there-on-out. You can sit back and relax knowing you're receiving the best payout possible from your ads.

Easily set this up in the Chitika|Premium code panel or simply edit the following line from right within your code on your site: ch_sid = "PutChannelNameHere";

Commonly asked questions:

Can I use channels to track multiple ad units on different pages even though they are the same size and vice versa?

Yes, all you have to do is label them differently, such as: “Mega_Unit1” and “Mega_Unit2”

Do I have to log into my Chitika account and create a brand new code to activate the channel?

No.  All you have to do is edit the following line in each individual code from right within your site:  ch_sid = "ChannelNameHere";

LOGIN now to update your Chitika ad unit(s)

Your Username Is:


Have something to say? We appreciate all of your comments and ideas.  Please tell us.

In the Next newsletter: The many perks of our WordPress Plugin and our love for SEO.

- The Chitika Optimization Experts

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Higher revenue from Chitika, is it really this easy?

Dear fouzi,

Optimization specialists here at Chitika reach out to publishers daily, working one-on-one to make simple changes that result in higher revenue.

And it didn't take long to realize that sometimes the smallest changes really make a big difference.

So we put together some of the most important things you need to know that can help make your payout from Chitika higher. You will learn them all in our:

3-Part Mini Series

Today - Part 1

Chitika Inc.

Tip #1

Which Premium ad size is best & why? 

Our optimization's team created the Mega Unit specifically to meet the needs of select clients they were working with.  And the results were so amazing, we made it available network-wide. It comes in two sizes: 550x250, 500x250.  Click here to get your Mega Unit ad code.

It delivers 4 times as much clicks and revenue than our traditional Premium ad banners, and Chitika publishers like reported the following after adding the MEGA-Unit to his site:

The result was a massive 721% increase in income -  without any noticeable knock on effect to our other income providers.”  - Adrian, ArticleAlley

Where do you place it? Directly above or below the main content.  For example, you can see where put it on this page (scroll to bottom of article).

Tip #2


This will vary from site to site, but simply copying and pasting the default ad code from your code panel, while it may be easiest thing to do, could be highly effecting the CTR of your ads negitively.

At the very least, match the title/link color to the other titles and/links on your site. Making it blend with the site like this could directly increase your CTR. You can go as far as selecting a font type. You can even do all of this without logging into your Chitika account and starting over, just click here for a complete list on code edits.

Helpful Links:


LOGIN now to update your Chitika ad unit(s)

Your username is: nemdil


Have something to say? We love to listen to what our users have to say about our service.  Please tell us.

In the Next newsletter: Tips on the best ad placements and importance of setting up channel's.

- The Chitika Optimization Experts

Saturday, 15 August 2009




The Game Is Coming... 2010 is the Time!
YOU ARE AMONG OUR 10 LATEST WINNERS!                                                

Our Latest surprises!

Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of Two  Million One Hundred Thousand United State Dollars [US$2, 100,000.00]. This is in line with our promotion for the world-cup come 2010. The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection system (ess) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. This promotion is sponsored by the Federation International Football Association [FIFA], and approved by the British Gaming Board and also licensed by the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). This promotion is the first of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public.

To begin the process of your prize and to find out more about this promotion, you are to contact our claims agency stated below:

TEL:+27 8387-03838

When you contact the agency, please provide them with your secret pin code x7pwyz2006 and your reference number BWBI: 2551256003/23. You are also advised to provide them with the under listed information as soon as possible:

Details of Beneficiary
Name (Surname First):........................................................................





Marital Status:.......................................... .........




Endeavor to email/fax the agency your full names, Ref/Pin numbers, email Address, telephone and fax numbers immediately.

If you do not contact the claims agency within 12 working days of this notification, your winning would be revoked. Winners are advised to keep their winning details/information from the public to avoid fraudulent claim (IMPORTANT) pending the transfer/claim by Winner.
Accept my hearty congratulations once again!


Promotion Manager

Friday, 14 August 2009

طقوس التعذيب لدى عبدة ال��يطان

عالم ما وراء الطبيعة - Paranormal Arabia
عالمنا مليء بالأسرار والظواهر الغامضةالتي تثير الكثير من التساؤلات دون وجود تفسير لحدوثها،تساعد بعض التفسيرات المحتملة على تقديم إجابات من خلال طرح آراء العلماء والباحثين .
اشترك معنا لاستلام المزيد من النشرات  
طقوس التعذيب لدى عبدة الشيطان

عُرفت ممارسات التعذيب المنظمة التي تقوم بها بعض جماعات "عبدة الشيطان" من خلال طقوس تهدف إلى تمجيد الشيطان وبذل الأضاحي من أجله باسم طقوس التعذيب الشيطانية Satanic Ritual Abuse والتي يرمز لها إختصاراً بـ SRA ، يرجع منشأ تلك الممارسات إلى حقبة الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي حيث وجدت بذرتها في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وما لبثت أن انتشرت في مناطق متعددة في العالم قبل أن تتضائل في أواخر التسعينيات. تتحدث الكثير من المزاعم عن ممارسات تعذيب جسدي وجنسي للأفراد في سياق طقوس مخصصة تعرفها جماعات عبدة الشيطان لدرجة أن تلك المزاعم وصلت إلى حد الإعتقاد بظهور اضغط هنا لقراءة المزيد ...

اقرأ أيضاً...

هل عشت حادثة غريبة وتريد أن ترويها ؟

تستطيع كتابتها وارسالها إلى العنوان التالي :، من فضلك زودنا بألاماكن والتورايخ والاسماء اذا أمكن وسنقوم بمراجعتها ونشرها
قصص واقعية | أشباح و جن | أماكن مسكونة | أطباق طائرة | مخلوقات فضائية | اقتراب الموت | قدرات خارقة

في حال عدم رغبتك في استلام المزيد من النشرات البريدية، إضغط هنا لالغاء الاشتراك  

Thursday, 13 August 2009

طقوس التعذيب لدى عبدة ال��يطان

عالم ما وراء الطبيعة - Paranormal Arabia
عالمنا مليء بالأسرار والظواهر الغامضةالتي تثير الكثير من التساؤلات دون وجود تفسير لحدوثها،تساعد بعض التفسيرات المحتملة على تقديم إجابات من خلال طرح آراء العلماء والباحثين .
اشترك معنا لاستلام المزيد من النشرات  
طقوس التعذيب لدى عبدة الشيطان

عُرفت ممارسات التعذيب المنظمة التي تقوم بها بعض جماعات "عبدة الشيطان" من خلال طقوس تهدف إلى تمجيد الشيطان وبذل الأضاحي من أجله باسم طقوس التعذيب الشيطانية Satanic Ritual Abuse والتي يرمز لها إختصاراً بـ SRA ، يرجع منشأ تلك الممارسات إلى حقبة الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي حيث وجدت بذرتها في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وما لبثت أن انتشرت في مناطق متعددة في العالم قبل أن تتضائل في أواخر التسعينيات. تتحدث الكثير من المزاعم عن ممارسات تعذيب جسدي وجنسي للأفراد في سياق طقوس مخصصة تعرفها جماعات عبدة الشيطان لدرجة أن تلك المزاعم وصلت إلى حد الإعتقاد بظهور اضغط هنا لقراءة المزيد ...

اقرأ أيضاً...

هل عشت حادثة غريبة وتريد أن ترويها ؟

تستطيع كتابتها وارسالها إلى العنوان التالي :، من فضلك زودنا بألاماكن والتورايخ والاسماء اذا أمكن وسنقوم بمراجعتها ونشرها
قصص واقعية | أشباح و جن | أماكن مسكونة | أطباق طائرة | مخلوقات فضائية | اقتراب الموت | قدرات خارقة

في حال عدم رغبتك في استلام المزيد من النشرات البريدية، إضغط هنا لالغاء الاشتراك  

You haven't activated yet, Chitika's contest is almost over

Dear fouzi,

You have not yet taken advantage of our  unique offer for you. 

From now until August 19th, you have the opportunity to not only earn daily revenue, you'll get the chance to be the winner of either $400/cash, an iPhone 3GS or and Android phone!
Chitika Inc.



It's not too late!

  All you have to do is copy and paste your Chitika ad code on your website before August 19th, 2009, and you will automatically be entered to win your choice of $400.00 USD, an iPhone 3GS, or an Android phone.  (One winner chosen at random on August 20th).

Here's how you enter:

  1. Login to your Chitika account
  2. Generate your ad code
  3. Paste it on your website
    and you are automatically entered!

Chitika Ad Placement Tips:

  • Place them on you TOP SEARCH PAGES.
    Since Premium ads ONLY display to your search traffic, this only makes sense. This will ensure you are receiving the maximum payout from Chitika.
  • Place your Premium ads in a sensible placement.
    If you want your ads to be clicked on, they should be within, below or near your main content. Mega Unit (550x250) Highly Recommended in the middle or below your articles.
  • Customize.
    A big white box on top of your colored background is going to be an eye sore. Match the background, site links and content color of your ad to your site.

Have something to say? We love to listen to what our users have to say about our service.  If you have a request, or would like to tell us why you think our service isn't right for you, please tell us.


In case you forgot
your user name is:



Good Luck!
- The Chitika Team






This is to inform you that it has come to the notice board of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), that an ATM Card valued at US$4.3 MILLION USD have been transferred to your account here in United State of America,As the rightful beneficiary.
That is why we have decided to contact you directly to acquire the proper verifications and proof from you to show that you are the rightful person to receive this fund, because the above mentioned amount is a big amount of money, that is why we want to make sure that it is a clear and legal money you are about to receive.

Be informed that the fund have hit your bank account , but right now we have given instruction to your bank, not to release the fund to anybody that comes to them in respect of this money, unless we ask them to do so, because we have to carry out our investigations with the World Bank in Switzerland first before releasing the fund to you. Note that the fund is in BANK OF AMERICA right now, but we have ask them not to credit your account yet, because we need some proof and verifications that this fund is not related to Drug Free/Anti Terrorist from you before releasing.

So to this regards you are to reassure and proof to us that what you are about to receive is a clean money by sending to us FBI Identification Record and also Drug Free/Anti-Terrorist Certificate to satisfy to us that the money you are about to receive is real money. You are to forward the documents to us immediately if you have it with you, if you don't have it let us know so that we will direct and inform you where to obtain the document and send to us so that we will ask the Bank Of America/World Bank Switzerland to go ahead Crediting your account immediately.

These Documents are to be issued to you from the place where the fund was transfer from, so get back to us immediately if you don't have the document so that we will inform you on the particular place and what it will take to obtain it in the Federal Republic Of Nigeria, because we have come to realize that the fund is transferred from the Federal Republic Of Nigeria.

An FBI Identification Record and Certificate Of Ownership often referred to as a Criminal History Record or Rap Sheet, is a listing of certain information taken from fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment,

Naturalization, or military service. If the fingerprints are related to an arrest, the Identification Record includes name of the agency that submitted the fingerprints to the FBI, the date of arrest, the arrest charge, and the disposition of the arrest, if known to the FBI. All arrest data included in an Identification Record is obtained from fingerprint submissions, disposition reports and other reports submitted by agencies having criminal justice responsibilities.

The United States Department of Justice Order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI Identification Record to obtain a copy of his or her own Record for review. The FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division processes these requests.

An individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI Identification Record for personal review or to challenge information on the Record. Other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own Identification Record may include international adoption or to satisfy a requirement to live or work in a foreign country (i.e., Certificate Of Ownership, letter of good conduct, criminal history background, etc.)
On October 9, 1998, President Clinton signed into law the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact (Compact) Act of 1998, establishing an infrastructure by which states can exchange criminal records for noncriminal justice purposes according to the laws of the requesting state, and provide reciprocity among the states to share records without charging each other for the information.

The Compact became effective April 28, 1999, after Montana and Georgia became the first two states to ratify it, respectively. To date, 27 states have ratified the Compact.

The Compact Council as a national independent authority, works in partnership with criminal history record custodians, end users, and policy makers to regulate and facilitate the sharing the complete, accurate, and timely criminal history record information to noncriminal justice users in order to enhance public safety, welfare and security of Society while recognizing the importance of individual privacy rights.

Base on the amount of Scam complains that we have received so far from the so called Nigeria Banks and Financial institutions, We have contacted our consulates in Nigeria whom have confirmed the Full details of the real Bank and Person in charge so that you can be rest assured on whom to contact and get your fund transferred to you without any hitch.

Your full name.
Phone, fax and mobile #.
Company name, position and address.
Profession, age and marital status.

NOTE: We have asked for the above documents (Anti-Terrorist Certificate) to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for noncriminal justice purposes. If you fail to provide the Documents to us, we will charge you with the FBI and take our proper action against you for not proofing to us the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive.
Yours Faithfully ,
FBI Director
Robert S. Mueller, III




Be Notified that Your Email Has Luckily Won the Sum of US$840,000.00. There was a computer ballot that was organized by the NATIONAL LOTTERY South Africa. It was not an individual lotto playing, but the computer itself picked out from all over the world, 1,000,000 email addresses and it was selected and picked from the Internet, those email addresses of Participants that was selected and picked from the internet were again selected through a computer ballot system drawn from among the 1,000,000 email addresses of individuals and companies from all part of the world, this is called the computer ballot. (200) email addresses was finally picked out from among the total 1,000,000 email addresses, and out of those 200 email addresses, your email address is among the winners on the ballot. You have to note that this program is being sponsored by the FIFA SUPPORT AFRICAN TEAM, to create awareness for the coming 2010 FIFA world Cup, which is to be host by South Africa.

For your claim Call Dr. Dean Shure Processing Director National Lottery S.A. TELL: +27 78 139 0015.Email:, Please Quote Your winning References such as your Winning Numbers: 2-9-22-23-33-49 Bonus 5. Reference Numbers: 473061725/09, Batch Numbers: 7056490902/188. Also furnish him your: Name..,Address.,Tel..,Email address..,Country..,Sex..To locate your file for your immediate payment.

Once again Congratulations to you all!!
Mrs. Nancy Wang.

Click for exclusive coverage on the New Bajaj Pulsar 220 the fastest Indian bike

Friday, 7 August 2009

Your Chitika Account- Start today & win cash/prizes

Dear fouzi,

You may have decided to never activate your Chitika account, or you removed it or you just simply never got around to trying us out, well now is the time!

Chitika Inc.


Our activation contest starts today!

All you have to do is copy and paste your Chitika ad code on your website before August 19th, 2009.  And to help jump start your earnings, you will automatically be entered to win your choice of $400.00 USD, an iPhone 3GS, or an Android phone. Win one of these prizes in addition to your Chitika revenue! (One winner chosen at random on August 20th).


Paste your code on your site by August 12th and you will be entered twice!
2X the chance to win!

Here's how you enter:

  1. Login to your Chitika account
  2. Generate your ad code
  3. Paste it on your website
    and you are automatically entered!

In case you forgot
your user name is:



Want to see who won our last contest? Click here!

Tips for maximizing your Chitika ad revenue:

  • GO Mega! The MEGA Unit has given our users the highest performance of all our ad units
  • Place Chitika ads in prime places on your site, see heat map.
  • Be sure to place Chitika ads on your top search traffic pages (since Premium ads are displayed to your search visitors only).

Or, check out our Factors for Success here.

Good Luck!
- The Chitika Team

Wednesday, 5 August 2009


Your email ID has been awarded 750,000.00 GBP. in our Toyota Award

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


Your email ID has been awarded £950.000.00 GBP in our LG Eletronics,Contact this office via:
Age: ....................

Monday, 3 August 2009

Al Arabiya News- Mon, Aug 03, 2009

إذا لم تستطع مشاهدة الصور في هذه الرسالة، يمكنك عرضها من خلال الضغط على هذا الرابط.
إذا صنفت هذه الرسالة خطأ في قسم الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها، برجاء إضافة بريد المرسل الالكتروني إلى قائمة عناوينك لتفادي التصنيف الخاطئ لهذه الرسالة مستقبلا.
الإثنين 03 أغسطس 2009م، 12 شعبان 1430 هـ
لتجنبيه السخرية خلال مراسم التنصيب
المرشد الأعلى منع نجاد من "تقبيل اليد".. فبادر بتقبيل كتفه
شهدت مراسم تنصيب الرئيس الإيراني محمود أحمدي نجاد لولاية ثانية الاثنين 3-8-2009، مفارقة تجنب فيها المرشد الأعلى آية الله علي خامنئي السماح لنجاد بتقبيل يده على عكس ما جرى في مراسم التنصيب في ولايته الأولى عام 2005، فطلب... المزيد
"الراية" الكويتية تتعاون مع السلطات الأمريكية في قضية التعاملات غير المشروعة
"موديز" تضع تصنيف 3 شركات حكومية في دبي تحت المراجعة
أرباح "المركز" الكويتي ترتفع 101.5% في الربع الثاني
لقد استلمت هذه الرسالة لأنك قمت بالاشتراك بنشرة البريد الإلكترونية التابعة لموقع العربية.نت. لإلغاء الاشتراك في نشرة أخبار العربية.نت، رجاء اضغط هنا.
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