Thursday 27 August 2009

A guide to increasing your Chitika earnings, Part 2

Dear nemdil

This is part two of our 3-part mini series featuring the very best tips to maximize your Chitika ad revenue.

Today, we will be analyzing best possible placements, and how channels can rock your reports.

3-Part Mini Series

Today - Part 2

Chitika Inc.

Tip #3

Placement Importance.

The placement of your ads is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) factors in your ad performance. You can customize your ad perfectly, but if it is in a spot where nobody is seeing it, then you won't get any clicks on it.

MEGA-Unit best placement:

  • Below your articles- directly below (above any horizontal lines or links). Lines or page breaks at the end of an article scream 'Stop reading!”; you don't want your Chitika ad below this. This alone will significantly help the CTR of your Mega unit.
Here is a great example of how Chitika publisher Dave Taylor placed the Mega Unit ABOVE a horizontal rule for maximum performance.

Other General Placement Tips:

  • On your top search pages. This is probably the most important.  Premium ads only display to your search traffic- so this is a given. Even though this seems simple, it's often overlooked.
  • Within your text/content. They typically perform better in the middle of your pages than on the side-bars of your pages. Where your readers' eyes go, the clicks will follow.

Remember – since your Chitika |Premium ads only display to your search engine traffic, your regular readers won’t even see them (less ads keeps your regular readers happy). 

Helpful Links:
Chitika Premium Heat Map

Tip #4


Simply put, channels are what you use to track the performance of your ad units separately. This is important so that you know which ads in which sizes and placements do better than others.

Once you figure out which ads perform the best, it's smooth sailing from there-on-out. You can sit back and relax knowing you're receiving the best payout possible from your ads.

Easily set this up in the Chitika|Premium code panel or simply edit the following line from right within your code on your site: ch_sid = "PutChannelNameHere";

Commonly asked questions:

Can I use channels to track multiple ad units on different pages even though they are the same size and vice versa?

Yes, all you have to do is label them differently, such as: “Mega_Unit1” and “Mega_Unit2”

Do I have to log into my Chitika account and create a brand new code to activate the channel?

No.  All you have to do is edit the following line in each individual code from right within your site:  ch_sid = "ChannelNameHere";

LOGIN now to update your Chitika ad unit(s)

Your Username Is:


Have something to say? We appreciate all of your comments and ideas.  Please tell us.

In the Next newsletter: The many perks of our WordPress Plugin and our love for SEO.

- The Chitika Optimization Experts


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