Saturday 19 February 2011

MLS Sales Academy Offers Innovative Way To Train Front Office Newcomers (

Major League Soccer has opened a National Sales Center, an academy that trains new salespeople in the art of ticket sales. This academy is the first of its kind.

In July of 2010, the MLS opened the doors to their new sales academy, where young salespeople can learn the nuances and gain confidence in ticket sales. Overseen by Bryant Pfeiffer, the academy is a 45-day training session, in which students receive hands on and class room education.

"I worked closely with the clubs in the MLS and I noticed that the sales staffs were very young" said Pfeiffer. "85 percent of the sales staff in the MLS has less than three years work experience. So we developed a 45-day, high-octane sales academy, that really benefits the clubs."

Candidates for the sales academy must apply with a resume, and a two-minute youtube video. The video must answer two questions: Why sales? Why soccer?

"We receive applications from as many as 22 states and 3 countries and the video forces people to show their personality and weeds out people who are not dedicated."

The sales academy is based in Blaine, Minnesota at the Blaine National Sports Complex. Blaine offers the league a top-notch facility, as well as a convenient time zone.

"The central time zone is important to us because our students are working hands on with clubs on a day-to-day basis. They could be taking calls from the L.A. Galaxy one day, The Columbus Crew another day, and D.C. United the day after."

While the students are learning, the academy likes to promote competition. There are incentives to making the most sales, such as better parking spaces, a World Champion Wrestling belt, and a stuffed shark.

"The shark goes to who ever makes the most calls in a week. The shark is a symbol for our students to become sales sharks, it allows them to build confidence. It could take someone 30-40 days, maybe even six months at a new job to build confidence, we are trying to have our students built up before they get to their new employers."

The academy likes to promote fun as well in the training. Trainees must go to Brave New Workshop, the oldest improvisational theater in the U.S. and perform improvisational comedy. This is an Innovative way for young sales people to learn their trade.

"The improv helps you think on your feet. You have to listen, speak, and work with everyone in order for the performance to go well, this goes hand-in-hand with sales."

The MLS is receiving many questions from leagues and other businesses in the United States about how they can start an academy like this.

"It puts these students on the fast track to success in sales and in their careers."

"I am very pleased pleased with progression of the academy and our students."

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